What we offer

Matrix-cell (face; includes Radio Frequency) (90 mins)
Daily factors like diet, stress , lifestyle and polluted environment slows down skin’s ability to fully regenerate. This leads to a weaker skin matrix on the inside and more premature aging signs on the outside. Restore outer beauty, inner balancing with Celmonze matrix-cell 360 pure perfection 3- step program:
Renewal 360 is designed to regenerate skin’s collagen and elastin creation through matrix-cell skincare.
Remodel 360 a gentle Dot. Matrix machine treat.
Reaffirm 360 an acupressure points massage, stimulates skin’s life energy from within. Energizing skin to combat dark agents of aging in advance while upgrading skin matrix for lifted ,firming effect.
Uplifting results in just 2 weeks
-Regenerated skin collagen
-Restored cellular immunity
-Reduced lines and spots
Suitable for ALL skin types